Thursday, December 29, 2005

Being apologetic for VICIOUS Jihadists mass murderers in the name of so called "Palestinian cause"

In the spree of being 'even handed' and politically correctness, it seems that some among the moderators have been caught up in seeing posting against Jihad (not against all Muslims), "offensive".

When in fact even Muslim posters complainers should realize that rejecting radical Islam (whether Hamas, Islamic Jihad, Al Qaeda, Jemaa Islamya, you name it), is good & even imperative for Islam's image as well.

Let's get it straight, no matter which side you choose (though KKK guys in spite of them hating all non whites, including brown Arabs, they usually love to LIE-"say" that they prefer Palestinians, because they hate all Jews- God's people, hence they can easy play Arab against Jew), one can never justify Palestinians choosing masses of unarmed crowded civilians to massacre, it is pure genocide, it is a GOAL by itself by militant hater & radicals to kill as many infidels as possible, (never really connected to what Israel does or does not, of course the so called Palestinian "retaliation" is a myth and), not just as a "means" to get some "land".
Actually it all starts by education, .
You don't have to try to think too hard to understand that Israel is fighting just to survive, (the various arguments of the sides however defer in what tactics they should choose).

On the Jordanian Muslim posting:
Frankly speaking?
Both sides are victims!

Some posters have been banned for daring to post against radical Islam, , , , (Arab Racism & Islamic Jihad , Like It Is!) , we however think that we should reinforce Moderate Muslims' voices, for peace of all mankind, we do encourage Israelis also to help Palestinian Arabs that have been persecuted especially by their own brothers in Jordan, in Syria & in Lebanon, to establish a Palestinian State, living in peace side by side, we acknowledge that the "Palestinian" card has been played by militant thugs butchering non Muslims global wide & murdering moderate Muslims all over the world, but we also realize that radicals' agenda is with or without the Palestinian issue, radicals' dream of converting the entire world into RADICAL Islam (not only the 'Pan-Islamic Asia), is a threat not only to Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus etc, but to moderate Muslims too.

Peace on earth, AMEN!