Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reply to member 'As__' asking why we targeted the few, but LW is not just based on these few, but more than that

Dear As... (we didn't get permission to use full name so we won't) !

Good evening, thank you so much for your feedback.

Please know that, the real reason why we have targeted the BIASED ones, is to show that most of LW is good, too bad that the likes of: Tangaroa/WigAOK9 etc, are on most of the time which as a result effects 'most of LW time'.

Singling out the few, shows that they are, well again the few.

If we had brushed all of LW with the same brush -- not just a few -- that would mean that we condemn all of LW, that would rather be biased from our side and unjust, just like they are.