Monday, March 27, 2006

'4est' is asking where are the documented 'good work on lw'?

That question is so illogical, as we have linked LW to us to show that it's mostly good, think of it like this (if you choose to think positively), we highlight a few examples to show that otherwise it's OK, and if you didn't hear us loud enough on the main page, and our open clear statements, than it wouldn't help even if we took the time to "document" so much stuff.

'4est's point about "how lw banning works" & n00bs posters being rejected, he forgets to read that most members "banned" were NOT n00bs, but were stripped in seconds of their points by some biased moderators so that they're able to be removed, tricky?
Yes, that's our point about them.

Incidentally we have noticed a slightly bit of growing in '4est' from the kiddy-level of yesterday's email to us that babbled about him being another person or 'in a club about this' and about silly kind of childish "threats" that detailing them out wouldn't dignify this serious respected blog, nor our respected members (yes, unlike '4est', we do not act like he does & don't say 'that no one respects' on him).
His email is still saved of course.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Reply to member 'As__' asking why we targeted the few, but LW is not just based on these few, but more than that

Dear As... (we didn't get permission to use full name so we won't) !

Good evening, thank you so much for your feedback.

Please know that, the real reason why we have targeted the BIASED ones, is to show that most of LW is good, too bad that the likes of: Tangaroa/WigAOK9 etc, are on most of the time which as a result effects 'most of LW time'.

Singling out the few, shows that they are, well again the few.

If we had brushed all of LW with the same brush -- not just a few -- that would mean that we condemn all of LW, that would rather be biased from our side and unjust, just like they are.

The goal of 'highlighting' of certain racist members or bias moderators that choose to cover for them

1) Not because any of them are worthy of so much of attention, but because we have to expose the hypocrisy and injustice, as well as alert to the despicable games some members are continuously doing.

2) To show examples how haters behave and their tricks.


Isn't it ironic that the certain racist notorious "hero" abs is stalking anyone (for at least 3 years!!!) that disagrees with his 'line of division and hatred on LW', but he even poses NOW as a "victim" as if he's being stalked.

Typical, indeed.

To the well mannered lw-member "Lu.." that asked if all comments are disabled... well, CONTACT US!

We can get your feedback via email (golivewirewatch AT, and as we have responded to 'e4st' questions, so we hope we'll have the time, etc. to reply to others.

Thanks for visiting Golivewire Watch & take care

'4es't is asking why we haven't reported moderators, or he DOESN'T know that we have...

The only reason we HAD to do this here, is beacuse of various members have been banned for daring to complain on bias, they got booted out just for that, so the members decided:
1) To fight from outside.
2) To save the data.

I guess '4est' has not been searching our previous posting with PROOF, he should try going through our keyword search at the bottom of the right hand page (like "banned", "racist", etc.).

(We've nothing against davjs, he's probably [trusting them fully and] not even aware exactly of how low Tangaropa/WigAOK9 & other moderators are, if we'd really "hated" LW as you so pathetically try to incite there -LOL- then we'd title it bias-LW , not just biased-moderators).

[As to MAYBE facsist abspwnsyou "not" having mulitple accounts, he admitted that he IS lollerskate & angrybellsprout, he only said that he rarely uses the other 2 (this latter name is even still on his website linked to his abspwnsyou name), it's a very well known thing, he even brags about it, as he brags of wanting to be a (1) teacher and a (2) WH-intern and a (3) military man at the same time LOL.]

Let's just say that some members were banned so fast, in about 10 seconds since reporting a post, or posting a post, this, while only medjai OR ONLY WigOK9 OR ONLY Tangaroa were on, no one else!

Incidently, someone has just emailed us that her reply to your post was not published, wonder why?

hahah you gotta laugh, '4est' wants to "fight back", LOL, fighting what? the truth?

Did you miss the fun?

You should have seen the "angry-screammy" style '4est' has "announced" on "fighting back" (what 'back' against what? against exposing lies and bias?, never mind) .

Well, of course he didn't say a word about the evidence here all to see, or about our fights on racists that post against entire races, or against entire religions, creeds, etc.

Thanks for the attention, from the bottom of all our participants' hearts.

PS To '4est':
this "previously banned member" thing is not only HYPOCRITICAL from some of LW moderators, since these very same biased moderators decide who's banned, plus that fascistic abspwnsyou (& others) who's been banned under 0124 account, is still welcome.
Of course we here don't dislike LW, but we are against the few biased ones, heck, we'll even link LW here, How about that?

Tangaroa: Topic "palestinian militant arab racist terrorists murder 3 jews" has been removed (of course via "complained" of "bulldozer-obsessed" abs

Copied from email:

"palestinian militant arab racist terrorists murder 3 jews" has been removed

Tangaroa: "post that seeks attention by repetetive use of


Thanks, g.l.w.w.


(PS the "date"-order of this particular post has been edited for obvious reasons)

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Multispammer RACIST 'abspwnsyou' used 'angrybellsprout' again to trash... angrybellsprout

Well of course he trashed IDF as if they "just want to kill arabs", What else is new at the RACIST posing as only "anti-zionist", the one that posted (among so much venom) that "jews are smelly".

Multispammer: abspwnsyou, angrybellsprout, lollerskate


He also replied to a thread about preventing all aid to Afghanistan after they tried to execute a person that "dared" to convert from Islam to Christianity, hater - racist: abspwnsyou had only a "problem" with 'aid to Israel' (which is aid to war on terror anyhow), not with BIILIONS (!!!) aid to all Arab Muslim countries, especially those that it's masses of population wish Americans dead (no matter which 'foreign policy' US chooses), of course.

Talk about the weather, but this (like demon) obsessed bitter sick hater has one 'thing' on his mind!

Friday, March 24, 2006

What post did 'medjai' try to remove today in --as fast as-- 3 seconds since appearing?

After Arab poster: 'Power God' (who also uses other names but we'll not reveal them for now) was allowed to post his one-sided post: 'Should Israel pull out of the west bank', (Did you hear that one-sided term? "pull out"? as if it was under Arab control ever in history...) a poster today posted:

Should Israel retake THEIR land give away? Especially after palestinians voting 4 terror ?

Then 'Tangaroa' will also talk about 'biased polls', sure, depends from which side, lol, you can be biased only when it serves a hatred purpose & demonizing one nation, right?

Now, that's worse than biased!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Well of course RACIST HATER 'abspwnsyou' still hides under "anti-zionism" mask

Never mind his (abspwnsyou=Ben Gurion=lollerskate=angrybellsprout=0124 & other names) posting against ENTIRE RELIGIONS, ENTIRE RACES, as quoted in previous posts.

Too bad, 1 (like Pakistani: Kamran Alam) or 2 LW members are still "buying" his "argument" & fail to take the time to see the evidence all documented (for example) here (and in the backup locations).

WigAOK9 has "threatened" to 'shut down this site', he forgets that all material here is already saved and copied in various locations/sites etc.

Multispammer RACIST 'abspwnsyou' ONE MORE other name...

"Ben Gurion".
Under this name he posted a thread:
'After zionists stop molesting... who's next'.
Which is another attempt, after he tried another idiotic thread: "after tranfer complete, who... murder next", which these all are still in his rage "reaction" at a regular unbiased poster who posted the most obvious natural TRUTH question:


Of course he replies to himself, the same as he did under "0214" (now banned) spamming name..

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Hater: abspwnsyou "busy" with begging to ban and remove defense against HIS Spewing of hatred

The palestinian Muslim Mufti-Hitler deal...

That led to the massacres..


(Edited by Ogtiid at 11:45 pm on Mar. 9, 2006)


don't worry, the mods will hopefully delete all your racism from the forum


The horrific mistakes of appeasing the Terrorists

Have we learned that appeasing them is only destructive?

1) Super givers Israelis give the Arab 'Palestinians' not only chunks of their own land but much of i'ts vital sucurity buffer zones.
Arab 'Palestiniasns' STILL respond with horrendous butchery of the innocent, and overwhelming votes for Terrorist Hamas.

2) The Spanish vote for liberal Zapatero and he pulls out of Iraq after Arab Muslims murder in Madrid.
Arab Muslims are caught in Spain every other week with plots to continue it's massacres.

3) Western (old) Europe opposes Iraqi operation.
They get the October-2005 Islamo Arab violent intifadah.

4) Universities & mainstream media plays the 'politically-corectness' themes in giving in to Arabists or Islamists "oppression-claims", even giving in far than Europeans and don't even publish the "offensive" cartoons to their (so called) "prophet".

A typical Muslim alumni runs over, excuse me: MURDERS in COLD BLOOD his classmates, for Allah.
Or largest mosque in Ohio plans more terror attacks


So how many accounts are you going to make tonight you pathetic racist?


The RACISM against the Zionists
ยก It is covered under a show of "worrying for palestinians".



keep trying multispamming idiot.