"WigAOK9" & "Tangaroa" (& at times "medjai") The biased moderators with a personal vendetta to silence anti-hate?
* Silent on "(n)kazi2005", posting under other names too
* What others say about 'medjai'
* The SNAKE 'medjai' shows his real colors?...
Not only did he ban quite a few posters and claiming that they are the "same" person, but ANY poster that dares to defend victim Israel from it's horrific attackers, or even the Jewish people from it's haters, is lately BANNED , denied service by medjai@golivewire.com
Lately there was a NEW poster Tulka he (or she) was banned, here's what (maybe it sounds more like a female) she/he posted was mainly out of:
http://seingthetruth.blogspot.com (linked in her post).
Medjai bans Gigo332 (http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=228360 Gigo332 )for complaining on hatred:
Another example of "medjai" NOT acting is on his "buddy" the Nazi "abspwnsyou" (who is also formerly "lollerskate", "angrybellsprout" & "passion_of_lovers")
And... check these out
Also here is what abs and a few others think about Nazism and the Holocaust. Very revealing.
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=201062&start=28#postNumber37 Saying that Hitler would have conquered the world is "western propaganda"
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=191902&start=0#postNumber13 Against European Jews
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=192351&start=14#postNumber24 questions death camps
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=201062&start=28#postNumber34 mocks death of 6 millions Jews and defends Nazis
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=201062&start=28#postNumber42 Nazi apologist
Typical Contradiction of a hater choosing contradicting lines, using them whenever however it fits his burning evil hatred
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=192351&start=154#postNumber167 Low number of Jews because they intermarry
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=271726&start=112#postNumber114 Jews do not assimilate
angrybellsprout = lollerskate= passion_of_lovers = abs
Some quotes by this racist from Texas under lollerskate/angrybellsprout:
*blow up arizona. There is A LOT of mormons in Arizona
* Muerte a los immigrantes (death to immigrants)
* What do you think? I know black people complain about white people being racist towards them, but could they have areason? It really isn't for just no apparent reason or becausewhites think they're superior is it?
So is his deafening silence on the infamous (n)kazi2005, that uses (at least) 3 other names.
Following was copied and pasted from posting the link on golivewire forum.
Besides the 6-7 messages that coward medjai pulled off.
Now you can ban me too medjai.
S... Personal Assistant
moderators here are definitely very biased...
hear that? you moderators suck!!
Posted at 7:12 pm on Dec. 29, 2005 Joined Dec. 2005Days Active: 7 Posts: 175 Votes: 7 Points: 248 Oregon, United States Male Straight
G... Professional
come on then medjai you idiot ban me 3. -----
Posted at 7:16 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
Quote: from S... at 7:12 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
moderators here are definitely very biased...
hear that? you moderators suck!!
I agree they suck! screw you mods! you opressive people!
Post from this position was omitted due to content violations (editor note, the coward medjai has DELETED it... lol!)
Quote: from K... at 7:17 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
Quote: from s.. at 7:12 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
moderators here are definitely very biased...
hear that? you moderators suck!!
Absoluely, now try count the seconds this thread or my account will survive, but they won't get their devious ways, hear that DICTATOR medjai bias? Just save the link, in case...
They can ban me too. those opressive bastards. -----
Posted at 7:19 pm on Dec. 29, 2005 Joined Mar. 2004Days Active: 164 Posts: 605 Votes: 96
xB... Connoisseur Sustainer Support Leader
Quote: from C... at 9:18 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
All of u, quit whining and shut up. Not like ull make a diffrence.
Dude, what are you thinking. mods are ALWAYS right. its impossible for them to be wrong. so if you disagree with them then YOUR the one who's wrong. our moderators ARE perfect beings. p.s. The moon landing was fake and aliens exist.
(Edited by xB... at 9:20 pm on Dec. 29, 2005) -----hahahaha you got told
Posted at 7:19 pm on Dec. 29, 2005 Joined Aug. 2005Days Active: 110 Posts: 3854 Votes: 1122 Points: 7016 Missouri, United States Male Straight
Quote: from xB... at 7:19 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
Quote: from Cy... at 9:18 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
All of u, quit whining and shut up. Not like ull make a diffrence.
Dude, what are you thinking. mods are ALWAYS right. its impossible for them to be wrong. so if you disagree with them then YOUR the one who's wrong. our moderators ARE perfect beings.
Yeh. Oi listen to this this moderator called me a bastard cause i said that i wanted a psps rather than a guitar for christmas even though i ahd said nothing about her. THen when i report it they make the mod change the thing she wrote then she says i overeacted when they are the ones who point out every little fault of us normal members.
Posted at 7:21 pm on Dec. 29, 2005 Joined Mar. 2004Days Active: 164 Posts: 605 Votes: 96 Points: 2247 Australia Male Straight and Open Minded
Quote: from medjai at 7:21 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
You guys realize that the reasons he gave for why he was ban have nothing to do with the reasons he was actually banned?
Also, it's not a bunch of members being oppressed, it's one or two creating multiple accounts, and yes that can be (and has been) verified.
If I were going around banning people for promoting peace as they claim, I wouldn't be a moderator.
Oh yes you must be right.
Every member that complains about you msut be wrong and must be totally whacko and msut be isolated from humans for the wrest of their lives.
G... Professional
i knew that u would ban that member.You banned them because they wanted to tell everyone and expose to everyone about hwo biased you MODS are?
a moderator called me retarded
i cried for days
you moderators shouldnt make fun of the mentally handicapped
Quote: from medjai at 7:51 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
Quote: from G... at 7:33 pm on Dec. 29, 2005
i knew that u would ban that member.You banned them because they wanted to tell everyone and expose to everyone about hwo biased you MODS are?
I didn't ban that member, he was banned before I could even vote, though I would have, since it was a multiple account.
Only after you ban posters they HAVE to create new accounts, if you don't ban, you won't have it, nice buddy you got there your beloved Hitlerist loser "abspwnsyou" that started this whole garbage. Now ban me again and pull it off DICTATOR, afraid of truth? You will never shut a JUST mouth, never! Keep lumping a few people into one to support your theory, read exactly what Mecca has posted about her proud Lebanon country and the poster that posted on 9/11, and tell me they are the "same".
You know perfectly well that sharing a public computer or siding with one side or sharing same material is no "evidence".
Dictatorship ain't working man.
So now (after seeing a few posts here, you are exposed as a CRUEL, ARROGANT SOB, some "moderator" alright.
To TheOtherHorseMan (responsible much of medjai's bias, though not considered a hater) that said in medjai's defense: medjai needs other moderators' approval before he bans...
Did you see the data on the link on abspwnsyou what he said about ALL people of a certain race, origin? Now tell me for how long medjai will let me on, nice forum, he pulled off all replies he DIDN'T like.
Of course he convinced others to his DEVIOUS acts, this shows what? that his corrupted power is way too much..
The snake medjai shows his real colours..? (Feb-06)
http://www.golivewire.com/forums/topic.cgi?topic=252642&start=0#postNumber9 Isn't it interesting how most (if not all) american newspapers are afraid to submit cartoons to the holocaust competition in Iran? Could it be because they fear western backlash for participating (though i doubt they fear any violence, they still fear losing lots of readers and public outcry).
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