Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ohhh, "innocent" 'Tangaroa' is asking... 'why members don't report posts'

In a reply to a thread (started by member: "G..." April-2-2006), regarding reporting to moderators, 'Tangaroa' -- all of a sudden -- put on a naive face and merely asks:
"Why is it, why don't members report more posts"?

Did it ever occur to this (one of most) terrible biased moderator that members are just fed up & frustrated in bias?

Notorious self-bragging arrogant 'Tangaroa' can do everyone a favor and not feel 'so good' about her self, or "telling anyone tales" that she does such a great job, or that she really makes LW for the "better'.

Small reminders:
'Tnagaroa' is THE one that will so desperately remove -- with a real rage-- any particular posts or threads that offends her favorite community (not even letting it go through the needed process of mods-deliberation,) but all the others that offend other races or religions, are OK, or at least could wait.

And how many times has 'Tangaroa' (and at times other mods. Mentioned here) banned posters for daring to 'report a post', if the reporting didn't exactly fit their "biased" guidelines, of course always using that silly infantile line: "previous banned members are not welcome", but previously banned members like (many members which we know are back, but will hold it hidden for now, as well as that fascist:) abspwnsyou & his other KNOWN OPENLY accounts: lollerskate, angrybellsprout, is "welcome", neither are his racist hatred ever removed, including the follow up generalization after a poster posted: "Christians at it again, Catholic priests molesting". (in which he fabricated a "reply-thread", a real hateful generalization thread based on one very doubtful "story"...).