Monday, April 24, 2006

"Respected" c_j, Tangaroa, medjai, WigAOK9 desparation for "apologies", here we go:

Since c_j (just posted even more ridiculous arrogant senseless lines) & Tangaroa keep "asking" for "apologies" (LOL).

We've sent out an email asking ideas about "apologies" to c_j, Tangaroa, medjai, WigAOK9. (We'll update it as soon as more are sent in).

L. Writes:
"Sorry for being nice to all members."

Zulu writes:
"My apologies for posting against racism".

Ch.. Writes:

"I beg forgiveness for not standing up against such racists like: abspwnsyou's
'death to latinos' motto and against LW mods. Bias much earlier".

Mecca writes:
"So sorry for not being an Arab radical as moderators Tangaroa & medjai
would like me to be".

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Newest account by multispammer RACIST abspwnsyou - "passion of lovers"

Under passion_of_lovers (created April-19-2006) he spews hatred on all Non Christians.
What else is new?

Under this current "name" this Texan of Irish background white supremacist trash, resides officially in... "Kasakhstan"... LOL.

Friday, April 21, 2006

c j has banned the Martin Luther King Jr. type of poster, for daring to post anti-racism posting

The poster Zulu was banned by c_j for daring to post against racism (anyone can see his posting which were all about promoting tolerance!!!).
Zulu's blog:, we hereby link Zulu's page as well.

The following was sent in by zulu:

Take a look what a moderator WigAOK9 (Scott) has replied, how low:

LW Moderator WigAOK9 (Scott) Writes:

Thank you for your report on moderation error. One of LiveWire's moderators
has provided you with the following response:

Something new, please.

Thank you for your report on moderation error. One of LiveWire's
moderators has provided you with the following response:

This is getting
boring. But you probably want that.


Subject: Re: Fw: Your Account has a Denial of Service Suggestion!

Received: 2:15 pm on April 21, 2006


The Ideal


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Tech Support Leader

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just keep talking, i'm sure you can get someone to listen to you...

Dear moderators, Re: c j banning of zulu...

This is not my computer nor my personal IP.

Why do you keep repeating the nonsense "previously", What previously? this is my first time on golivewire.
Why did c j ban me?
For posting against racism?

When did I ever post a post in any violation (morally, or against rules or other) ???

So you blocked me even from replying to you?

Joined Nov. 2001 Days Active: 821 Posts: 6915 Votes: 329 Points: 30138

Online California, United States Male Report Message Block

How many more good peaceful people will 'abspwnsyou's SENT gang ban so that racist abspwnsyou could continue to spew his venom? now 'springs' is gone!

Copied from the board:


DaRareBlackNerd Dairy Product Addict Ad Free

I leave for less than a week and I come to find that my first LW friend is banned. Great.
You know what, fuck the mod that banned him. Fuck the people that say he was a spammer. Fuck the haters, fuck them all.
Springs was one of the most interesting and popular members on these boards. You could just about always depend on an interesting reply or comment in certain forums from him, whether it be race, random musings, or his favorite, music. He was a really rare type of member, one that could disagree and agree with multiple sides, yet manage to stay directly out of the cross-fire, without instigating. He was a pretty diplomatic person, in my opinion.
It's funny how obviously racist members are allowed to haunt these forums unchecked. They post the same bullshit, day after day, week after week. If I see one more graph from The Bell Curve in any thread, I'm labeling it as spamming. In fact, any ideals that are even repeated in a forum more than once is getting called spam.
We too, can play that game.
I still can't believe it though. Of all the people to get banned, why Springs? Sure, he may have spammed a few times, but consider how many bastards spam that are allowed to stay.
R.I.P. Springs-He Was Better Than You.
(Edited by DaRareBlackNerd at 7:06 am on April 21, 2006) -------Hug me.
Posted at 5:03 am on April 21, 2006 Joined Feb. 2006
Report PostDays Active: 57 Posts: 1804 Votes: 149 Points: 1471 Online Michigan, United States Male Straight
Rating ----- Excellent Good Okay Bad Terrible
hotsauce01 Connoisseur

The mods are wrong and they know it, but they're too prideful to go back on their mistake.
Sometimes the mods are real assholes. I remember one mod telling this girl that said she liked Harry Potter to grow up and stop reading 1st grade material. I told her to shut the fuck up and stop being unecessarily DICK-wad-ish and 5 minutes later, what do you know? The topic is deleted.
To my knowledge, mods are supposed to facilitate and maintain a helpful, supportive atmosphere in these forums. Not a supercilious, mod=god attitude.
Anyway, we <3>
Posted at 9:53 am on April 21, 2006 Joined July 2003 Report PostDays Active: 453 Posts: 1791 Votes: 134 Points: 6597 Offline North Carolina, United States Female Label Free
Rating ----- Excellent Good Okay Bad Terrible
MC Masta Fly Technician

( boribooborikua ) Dairy Product Addict

Quote: from hotsauce01 at 12:53 pm on April 21, 2006
The mods are wrong and they know it, but they're too prideful to go back on their mistake.
Sometimes the mods are real assholes. I remember one mod telling this girl that said she liked Harry Potter to grow up and stop reading 1st grade material. I told her to shut the fuck up and stop being unecessarily DICK-wad-ish and 5 minutes later, what do you know? The topic is deleted.
To my knowledge, mods are supposed to facilitate and maintain a helpful, supportive atmosphere in these forums. Not a supercilious, mod=god attitude.
Anyway, we <3>I know what you mean. Everytime I try to report a racist post, nothing ever happens. I've even tried to PM them and let them know up front, but that didn't work either. -------¡Ey! Somos negros y ya lo sabemos. Nos gusta temblequear y lo mostramos. No somos palid., de verdad no somos palid.¡Dale!
Posted at 12:24 pm on April 21, 2006 Joined Jan. 2006 Report PostDays Active: 63 Posts: 1010 Votes: 155 Points: 1701 Offline Tennessee, United States Female GLBT Ally
Rating ----- Excellent Good Okay Bad Terrible

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Reply to 'Tangaroa'

And as for their cruft about the moderators being biased, this website is
essentially private property, and if David has no problem with the way we are
handling them, then we are not biased.

Then 'Tangaroa' is still bias but he just might have a "right" to be so, so do we have the right plus a moral obligation (which he lacks obviously, since he admit to his bias) to speak out.

That 'we' thing is very wierd coming from a person that has this monoply of manipulating the boards.

How are we supposed to handle the situation, anyhow? Having them monopolise the
Political and CE&WN forums is intollerable,

Sure sounds exactly like poster abspwnsyou (for years!) to us. Isn't it what he has been doing with these boards in his dominating of multiple racists threads, spam + hate?

the middle east is only one small part of the world, we cannot
allow a small group of people to bias the discussion towards being about the
situation in the middle east, there are other parts of the world too.

My my my, those members that Tangaroa (& team) have been banning were not posting just about the middle east, but about global terror, which Tangaroa simply doesn't like.

Also, I have a problem with what they post too, them posting polls where
they have a very few options, that are typically biased, then post the option
they pick,

Oh, like Power God's thread for example?

Which that specific poll that Tangaroa is talking about (viewed 123 times before the moderator removed it) was only a reply thread?

[Of course 'Power God' = a.k.a. Seba's ridiculous options-poll, was not removed, since it suits fine with Tangaroa's version of permitted spam on the middle east - despite being only "a very small part of the world".]

I also
recall seeing one log out, then another log in,

1) Not exactly true.
2) Did he ever hear of 'private messaging', 'Instant messaging' , or a concept like signing off and notifying other peers for that matter?
3) This means that 'Tangaroa' has really got his hands full, pity.

all the bans now are done because banned members are not permitted to return to

Unless Tangaroa has no PERSONAL thing against them, Shall we list the 'previously banned members' that ARE ALLOWED on LW?

As to 'Tangaroa's "theories" (like TOH) on exactly how many people are connected to us, if it's 3, 4, more or less, etc., we don't think it deserves much of any response.

We don't have anything personal against (T-----) 'Tangaroa', solely against his bias behavior, (we don't believe that 'Tangaroa' is really a racist as 'abspwnsyou' & aliases, but bias he is in opinion and in action & even worse, covering for some racists) finally 'straight from the horse's mouth', his own admission of being bias to any poster that it looks to him as a previous poster, or alternatively to anyone that posts any post that is not in accordance to his views.

Speaking of 'apologies', we don't expect (not very soon) an apology from 'Tangaroa' for linking a poster with some intolerance words, to anyone of us, we can not be responsible for any backlash by us spreading the bias and racism covered by guilty 'Tangaroa' & Co.

Question, (since he has a self-convincing 'rationalization' for banning any one of us, notwithstanding,) Does 'Tangaroa' have any remorse for banning members that were/are not connected with us at all ?

No reply needed.


Removed posts?...Because 'abspownsyou' lost his Nazi-argument a long time ago...

One of the purposes of this blog is also to save the very data that haters so cowardly push the moderators into banning or remove.
One thing is for sure that the few haters such as that 'abspwnsyou' (lollerskate, angrybellsprout, Ben Gurion & aliases) lost any shred of argument ages ago whether in his despicable obsession on his "favorite-topics" of WW2 or others, or in his spam in general, since he so desperately just can't reply or even quote anyone when replying.

Desperate 'Tangaroa' just banned and removed the following... subject regarding Mexicans, LOL

As we didn't get any email from the poster: "Lo..." , we don't have the exact wording of her/his post, but what we were able to read a while ago that generated about 190 views... was in the style of:

Should Mexicans get California?
If we are giving land to the palestinian terrorists who's most ancestors did not own the land. Why not give land to Mexicans who are not terrorists and who's ancestors did own the land. in any case my roommate says yes, I say No, what's done is done.

Tangaroa didn't "like" it.

Friday, April 07, 2006

"previously banned members" slogan is ONLY reserved for the few... (that racist poster WAS banned BTW) - Hypocrites moderators, say it again!

1) Bigot abspwnsyou (& aliases) was banned under "0124" (one can only easily detect "abspwnsyou", whatever IP he uses).
2) We have a list of "previously banned members" still on.
3) We know (most of the time) WHICH moderator bans whom (at least recently, those that are of interest to us) but that's totally irrelevant as we know they're "inspired" by medjai & Tangaroa's self made rule of banning only CERTAIN members, (PS would you like copies of TheOtherHorseMan's whining pm to 'c j'?).
4) LG Was NOT (ever) banned before complaining to a moderator that forwarded it on to other moderators (not because of pm).
'4est' writes: ...would also like to point out that as a previously banned member, I know that there is no way to tell which moderator(s) ban you.
He's so wrong in that assumption actually him still being on GoLiveWire despite after being banned shows exactly the hypocrisy by some moderators "which previously banned member" is "welcome" (I love that arrogant last 2 "brilliant" words BTW).
Neither is there any validity in his cheap attempt of making us look like "hating LW' contain any seriousness, as we expose only the biased ones and racists posters (especially those hypocrites that pose as "having just an opinion") not all LW on a whole, that's also why we've linked LW to us.
But then again, it fits just fine with '4est' "serious" - not style all together.
Finally '4est' said something about "that moderators have the power to ban that's good".
Welcome to a hopeful beginning of understanding (whether having the courage to admit to it or not) of the point of this blog, power corrupts, exactly right.
Which explains all too well your sudden tiredness now (not because of any wording concepts).
And excuse us! of course we can not take any responsiblity what others create/write in their blogs.
Blame only the (few) biased moderators or the (few) racist members, that's the gist of the matter.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Just in - L.. writes, banning me proves is right, was right all long!

Like some other members I didn't pay too much attention to critics of LW moderators, I thought it's something about a "person's belief" or what have you and that the moderators don't really have an agenda, "just doing their mission".

Even while abspwnsyou continuously bashed other races (no, not just beliefs) , I just "had other things to do" so to speak.
Like some other posters I just ignored all the threads for or against the .

Sure enough recently a banned poster pm me (whom I knew, but had to pm me via a new account, now closed) that he (or she) was banned by a message something about "previous banned members", the member was shocked in disbelief, sent a 'moderators error' - replied that it was simply not true.

There was no reply to that banned member, obviously there IS non, I forward that email content to a moderator that is known to be fair (which is totally true), that (fair) moderator replied to me with that worn out subject "multispammers", I replied that the only definition was chosen by one particular TYPE of "multispammer" by Tangaroa, whereas RACISTS MULTISPAMMERS are welcome., never mind the fact that that poster was no "multispammer", just posted his (or her) things, never got into any personal 'battles' with any poster whatsoever, hence what 'violation' or what 'proof' could a biased moderator ever have?

To make a back & forth emailing short, shortly after the fair moderator has forwarded my email to (probably other moderators), I was banned too.

Now 3 things:
1) 4est is wrong.
2) LW has "earned" (at least) one more person with more energy to be active against the biased moderators.
3) Banning me only proves that is right, was right all along!

Terrorizing critics won't pay!

Reminder: Racist 'abspwnsyou' signature "Kill Latin illegal Immigrants "! (oh, well just another "opinion" of his)

It seems that '4est' tries mighty hard to see racist "abspwnsyou" (aka lollerskate, angrybellsprout, 0124, Ben Gurion & more) as 'just someone with a certain belief'.

Reminder: Racist 'abspwnsyou' signature: "DEATH to Latin illegal Immigrants"!
He did change under 'abs...' (after posting by a member that was of course - banned by the "fair" moderators: medjai, Tangaroa) but it is still under his other aliases.
As to this poster's Satanic "views" or "opinions" on 'who's responsible for the holocaust', you can search it here too.
Or to call entire races (generalization!) "trash".

Labels: , ,

Coward paranoid 'TheOtherHorseMan' still lumping various posters into one... when 'he can't handle it', LOL


This paranoid 'TheOtherHorseMan', which was the first to URGE to boot off that moderate Muslim anti-terror poster (a few months ago), is still "seeing" things.

What does this coward do when he sees that he's just unable to reply to a valid post & that it is 'too strong' for him to handle (poor guy)?
He pm's a moderator like 'c j' and tells (urges) him that he's "convinced" it's a person that he 'knows from before'.
Bang, the poster is banned.

More 'TheOtherHorseMan' Lumping various posters into one (Dec-2005)

Some people see "double" on one, he sees one on more than two... LOL.
Oh well.

Labels: ,

Wednesday, April 05, 2006

The act of "I don't understand" is too late .

That notorious racist poster (keyword abspwnsyou, that the problem with him is not just because of his "opinions" as '4est' wants to suggest, but his constant stalking of members from another race, posting numerous outrageous Nazi-type of posts [Nazi-spam], etc.) on LW's song of "not knowing English" repeated by '4est'

Until that poster emailed '4est', it seems he understood quite good what we exposed and what EVERYBODY knows about the biased (few) moderators and about the few (still on) despicable racists.
So did biased moderators (like Tangaroa) on LW, with their lame "replies".

But that notorious RACIST (well exposed here & on other locations), old song of "Aww, I don't understand what you said" song is getting not only old, but own admission that we HIT the TRUTH.

So now '4est' has echoed that poster's song of "not understanding", oh well, too late for that.
Just as that "4 of my school" line is very hard to believe.

Monday, April 03, 2006

What medjai dosen't want to show you, they try to ban c...

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Ohhh, "innocent" 'Tangaroa' is asking... 'why members don't report posts'

In a reply to a thread (started by member: "G..." April-2-2006), regarding reporting to moderators, 'Tangaroa' -- all of a sudden -- put on a naive face and merely asks:
"Why is it, why don't members report more posts"?

Did it ever occur to this (one of most) terrible biased moderator that members are just fed up & frustrated in bias?

Notorious self-bragging arrogant 'Tangaroa' can do everyone a favor and not feel 'so good' about her self, or "telling anyone tales" that she does such a great job, or that she really makes LW for the "better'.

Small reminders:
'Tnagaroa' is THE one that will so desperately remove -- with a real rage-- any particular posts or threads that offends her favorite community (not even letting it go through the needed process of mods-deliberation,) but all the others that offend other races or religions, are OK, or at least could wait.

And how many times has 'Tangaroa' (and at times other mods. Mentioned here) banned posters for daring to 'report a post', if the reporting didn't exactly fit their "biased" guidelines, of course always using that silly infantile line: "previous banned members are not welcome", but previously banned members like (many members which we know are back, but will hold it hidden for now, as well as that fascist:) abspwnsyou & his other KNOWN OPENLY accounts: lollerskate, angrybellsprout, is "welcome", neither are his racist hatred ever removed, including the follow up generalization after a poster posted: "Christians at it again, Catholic priests molesting". (in which he fabricated a "reply-thread", a real hateful generalization thread based on one very doubtful "story"...).