Friday, February 17, 2006

Senseless Antisemitism/AntiJewism VS LEGITIMATE Islamophobia (phobia/fear, not hatred)

Title: Envy of high morals VS fear of TERROR MONSTERS
Description: Senseless Antisemitism/AntiJewism VS LEGITIMATE Islamophobia

( Lumm888 )

The blind hatred on Jews' special higher morals or high intelligence, more serious way of life, etc.
Can never be compared to LEGITIMATE fear and hatred of Arab Muslim (radicals with too much support from "moderates") that are out to convert you by force or KILL you.
Let's face it, in our Christian society, Hindus, Buddhists, Jews etc. do not threaten us, but Muslims do, fact!


Lumm888 that has sent this in, explained that above post was also posted due to abspwnsyou hate threads under the mask of "anti-zionism" of course...